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Practical resources that support wellbeing:

Practical activities and ideas to support wellbeing:

  • Education Futures Trust (EFT) offer fully-funded mental health and wellbeing sessions for local adults. Courses take place in outdoor green spaces across Hastings and St. Leonards all year round.
  • Action for Happiness brings people together and provides practical resources. We help each other learn evidence-based skills for happier living, feel a sense of belonging and commit to personal action to create more happiness, for ourselves and others.
  • Being Our Best Selves (BOBS) – a social and creative programme, supporting disabled people and their carers to achieve and maintain happy hearts, brains and bodies
  • East Sussex County Council library service have free ebooks, audio books and magazines. If you are not already a member you can register online for free.
  • Yoga Breathing techniques 
  • Mindful – Explaining the benefits of meditation and how to practice, including techniques you can use throughout the day

Accessing Green Spaces and areas:

Want to discuss these issues in more detail? Join us for a Support Collective online meet-ups.

Image: Charlotte Stephens, Hastings Seascape, 2015, acrylic on canvas, 92 x 122 cm