Wednesday 22nd August, 11am – 2pm (bring a packed lunch)
Arch 3 at Project Art Works, Braybrooke Terrace.
What can you ask for in your child’s plan?
How do you get the provision your child needs in an EHC plan or statement?
How do you get the best out of your meeting with County and your school?
How do I appeal a decision made by County?
Legal Professional and CEO of Embrace ( East Sussex Rebecca Whippy is running a workshop all about Education Health Care Plans. Come along and ask your questions, grow your confidence and learn yours and your child’s rights. Embrace will show you, and help you get the education, health, and social care your child needs?
Rebecca also runs all-day Professional Training on Professional Advocacy, aimed at trainee advocates and Independent Supporters.
To book your place please email or call 01424 423555.