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A Survey by Project Art Works

This exhibition at MK Gallery presented an ambitious survey of projects developed and produced by Project Art Works and associated artists over ten years.  This first major survey of its work focused on innovative, collaborative investigations of built space and their impact on the perception of people with neurological impairments.  Selections from a huge body of work included immersive and sensory installations, film, physical works and sound.   The exhibition highlighted the ‘unknowability’ of another persons experience of the world, especially if they are unable to communicate using language.  The exhibition incorporated work from a long-term collaboration between MK Gallery and Project Art Works centering on the exploration of constructed and open space and referencing the urban grid of Milton Keynes, perception and visibility in the city.


From December 9, 2011
to January 8, 2012

Location: MK Gallery 900 Midsummer Blvd Milton Keynes MK9 3QA
Phone: 01908 676 900