Meet the Project Art Works team and try out a free taster session. Stay for a full day or half day. Thursday 23rd and Thursday 30th November, 10:30am – 12:30pm and 1:30 – 3.30pm
PROPEL is a programme of specialist art workshops, run from our studio spaces in central Hastings, for individuals with complex needs, including those with profound and multiple needs.
What we can offer:
• Purpose-designed studio spaces offering bespoke facilities for individuals and their support teams.
• A range of art materials and processes to facilitate choice and a highly personalised approach to supporting and nurturing individual self-expression and communication.
• An experienced team of artists and specialist support workers trained in techniques such as Positive Behaviour Support, Person Centred Active Support and Total Communication.
• Creative solutions for people facing particular periods of transition in their lives e.g. young people moving from children’s services to adult services and moving to an independent provision.
Sessions are funded through a major award from the Big Lottery and places are offered at a highly subsidised cost to participants at £50 for a full day place and £25 for a half-day place.
For more information please contact Matthew Pitts: / 01424 423555