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A film featuring five artists from Project Art Works and those closest to them is currently being screened as part of The Whole World in our Hands in Toronto, Canada. The Blackwood gallery have worked with curator Jacqui Usiskin on this multi site installation across the University of Toronto Mississauga.

Images: Mikhail Karikis, I Hear You, 2019/2024. Special edition for The Blackwood. Single-channel video without sound, 20:57. Originally commissioned by De la Warr Pavilion and Project Art Works, UK. Courtesy the artist. Installation view. Photo: Toni Hafkenscheid. Presented as part of The Whole World in Our Hands curated by Jacqui Usiskin at The Blackwood, University of Toronto Mississauga, September 3, 2024–January 7, 2025.

A site-specific version of Mikhail Karikis’ video installation, I Hear You, was created for the Blackwood’s screen in the Meeting Place vestibule. This single-channel rendition with audio captioning brings the intimate relationships between caregivers and non-verbal individuals into the public realm. In doing so, Karikis confronts the neurotypical gaze, embracing neurodiversity as a model for inclusive connection and exchange.

I Hear You by Mikhail Karikis in 2019 as part of the Explorers Project first show the film at the De La Warr Pavilion.

Those in the film include Claire Matthews, Sarah Dunne, Eden and Andrew Kötting, Paul Colley, Dan Marshall and Carl and Doreen Sexton.

Find out more about the installation at

Find out about Mikhail Karikis at

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