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Join the Support Collective for this free, online Makaton Training taking place in February. This training is for family carers and support workers supporting adults (18 years +) through a Personal Budget from Adult Social Care or an Education, Health, and Care Plan. There are limited places available for people funded through Personal Health Budgets, or people who support someone aged under 18 please contact for availability.

What is Makaton?
Makaton is a unique language programme that uses symbols, signs, and speech to enable people to communicate. It supports the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression.

Level 1 training provides a practical introduction to the Makaton Language Programme
Sessions include discussing commonly asked questions, hints and tips for effective signing and symbol use and how to start using Makaton in everyday situations at home or work.

Level 1 training is made up of two modules over two sessions taking place via Zoom:
9:30am – 1pm on Monday 6th February and Thursday 9th February 

Level 2 training builds on knowledge gained in Level 1 training
You will learn the signs and symbols from Stages 3 and 4, and the rest of the Additional stage, of the Core Vocabulary. Participants must have attended both Level 1 training modules.

Level 2 training is made up of two modules over two sessions taking place via Zoom:
9:30am – 1pm on Wednesday 22nd February and Friday 24th February 

Please complete our booking form to request a place on any of the above training courses or contact for further information.

The programme of training is delivered in conjunction with Independent Lives and is funded through Skills for Care.

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