The Support Collective is delighted to offer this free one-day course delivered by The National Autistic Society
National Autistic Society (NAS) – Sensory Considerations
Wednesday 31st January & Wednesday 7th February 10am – 2pm (including 1-hour lunch break) – delivered via Zoom.
Please note BOTH days need to be attended.
Course content
- The sensory systems and sensory processing.
- How sensory information may be interpreted different by autistic people.
- Potential impacts on daily life and experiences.
- How to develop use individualised supportive approaches with autistic people.
- Identifying and making changes to your practice.
- Deepen understanding of how the autistic sensory world can feel quite different and how this can have an impact on people’s daily life and behaviour.
- Learn practical ways of giving positive support.
Delegates receive a Certificate of Attendance.
This training is for family carers and support workers supporting adults (18 years +) through a Personal Budget from Adult Social Care or an Education, Health, and Care Plan. There are limited places available for people funded through Personal Health Budgets, or people who support someone aged under 18 please contact for availability.
Please contact for further information and to be put on the reserve list.
To find out about more training from the Support Collective visit Training & Events.
The programme of training is delivered in conjunction with Independent Lives and is funded through Skills for Care.