Consultation, Wednesday 31st October 10am – 12pm, at Project Art Works
Did you come along to the last Summit and share your aspirations for Personalisation? We’re creating a Charter of Ambition and Rights which includes your aspirations for person-centred support, housing, community life, health and well-being alongside key legislation to back these up. It will be a document to support decision-making when it comes to person-centred care.
The document addresses concerns such as:
“I want to understand how I can use a Personal Health Budget and I want it to be structured in a way so that it does not limit my life choices and quality of support.”
“I want support during the transition from school to adult life including access to information on the full scope of what is available to me.”
“I want my son to be involved in community events.”
“I want to live independently at home with skilled support as and when I need it.”
Join the network in a workshop and help design the charter, discuss how it should look, feel and function for the network.
To confirm your place, email
We will launch the charter at ARTS, RIGHTS, REPRESENTATION: Reflecting the lived experience a day long seminar at De La Warr Pavilion on 30th November.
Dates for your diary:
Family Employer workshop, Wednesday 14th November, 2 – 4pm, at Project Art Works
Join Peer Support Network families and share your experience of managing provision through personalised budgets or Personal Health Budgets or Direct Payments. For more information and to book your place visit: Family Employer Workshop.
Associated events: Disability awareness for employers and PAs
These are half-day workshops led by Disability Inclusion providing a basic introduction to different approaches to disability and the barriers / difficulties that PA users experience on a day-to-day basis and how PAs can support their employers to find solutions.
Dates are:
17th October, 10:30am – 1:30pm, Age UK, Eastbourne
28th November, 10:30am – 1:30pm, Southwater Community Centre
23rd January, 10:30am – 1:30pm, Kings Church, Lewes
If you would like to attend this course please contact: