On 30th January we hosted our first Peer Support Network Catch-up of the New Year.
We were delighted to welcome Bhavesh Wadher, Specialist Advisor in Continuing Healthcare (CHC) from Beacon to present at the catch-up. Bhavesh focused on CHC eligibility, the decision-making process and the stages of appealing a decision. You can read his presentation and notes by downloading the PowerPoint here: Beacon Continuing Healthcare presentation
One family who attended the meeting since found out that their appeal against the decision to withdraw their daughter’s Continuing Healthcare funding has been upheld following a Local Resolution Panel meeting. This is an example of a family challenging an eligibility assessment and being successful at stage one of the appeals process.
Relevant information and tools:
National framework for NHS continuing healthcare and NHS funded nursing care
This guidance sets out the principles and processes of the National Framework for NHS continuing healthcare and NHS funded nursing care. It includes a link to the CHC checklist and Decision Support Tool Clinical Commissioning Groups should use to inform consistent decision-making.
We have highlighted key statements from the National Framework (above) and the Department of Health and NHS England Investigation into NHS Continuing Healthcare funding, July 2017. This serves as a checklist of the procedures that should happen as part of everyone’s review for CHC eligibility.
Download: Assessment Procedure Checklist
NHS Continuing Health Care (CHC) Funding – Health Complaint Cases factsheet
Support Empowerment Advocate Promote (seAp) & Independent Health Complaints Advocacy (IHCA) have produced this factsheet to support individuals with CHC Health Complaints. It also contains information on how seAp advocates can help.
Download: seAp CHC Factsheet Feb 2017
seAp East Sussex provide NHS complaints advocacy. For more information visit: seap.org.uk
East Sussex 1Space
1Space is a directory of care, support and wellbeing services mainly for adults. For a broader directory, encompassing all community information & events in East Sussex, visit the sister site, ESCIS (see below).
ESCIS – East Sussex Community Information Service
A directory of local and community information developed and managed by the Library and Information Services of East Sussex County Council in association with Brighton and Hove Library Service.
Help map social care provision in Hastings
Esther Springett, Community Networks Coordinator and Martin Swan, Explorers Project Coordinator presented a Social Care Map of Hastings – a resource for families and carers in identifying care providers, agencies and useful contacts in Hastings and the surrounding area. There is still time to feedback on the map and tell us what we’ve missed before we publish it on our website. Take a look at the map below and send your feedback and suggestions to: esther@projectartwork.org
Dates for your diary
Network Summit: Wednesday 28th March 10:00am – 1:00pm
Discuss current policy around rates of pay for support workers and PAs and how to achieve personalised provisions.
Network Catch-up: Tuesday 29th May 2.00 – 4.00pm
Network Summit: Wednesday 25th July 1.30 – 4.30pm