19th June, 12 – 3pm: Peer Support Network Meet Up & Lunch.
The Peer Support Network will be recapping on what the network has done in the last year, followed by lunch between 1 & 2 (Project Art Works will provide the food and drink), and then we’ll have an open discussion about what you’d like the network to offer in the future. This could include things like:
- Continuing Healthcare (CHC) support – information, reviews, eligibility assessments, appeals
- Personalised budgets
- Direct payments (DP) – what DPs are for and how you can use them
- P.A.T.H planning for the life of the person you support and their future
- More Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Employment Support Allowance (ESA) workshops
- Supported employment opportunities
- How to run your own provision: employment, rotas, training, supervision
We can provide a supported activity for the person you care for if needed. Please let us know. Even if you can’t attend for the full 3 hours, please do just drop in when you can.
On booking please let us know of any dietary requirements.
Please let us know you are coming by booking here or by emailing Jane@projectartworks.org or call 01424 423555.
Share the event on Facebook.
18th September, 10.00 – 12.30: Mental Capacity/ Decision Making seminar
Philip Warford from Renaissance Legal (www.renaissancelegal.co.uk) will talk about Powers of Attorney and the legal appointment of another person to make decisions on behalf of an individual with a disability. He will also talk about the Court of Protection, who they are and what they do, as well as becoming a Deputy for a disabled or vulnerable person, the timescales and the costs.
Book you place here, email Jane@projectartworks.org or call 01424 423555.