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Dear Friends

As you are all aware we are in the midst of an unprecedented heath crisis. Project Art Works is responding to this in many different ways.

We have taken the decision to suspend our collaborative face to face studio programmes and all outreach activity as of today 17.03.2020. Our staff teams will be solo working in the office, at home or in the studios! We will continue to monitor the national situation and respond accordingly.

Working with all artists, employees and participants we want to try and minimise the impact of this temporary closure and to find new and creative ways to collaborate during this time via digital media and on-line platfoms and over the phone.
Many people who may have high support needs could become very isolated through socially separating from their everyday activities. Family carers and direct support teams will also experience relative isolation.  This could have a significant impact on their wellbeing beside the obvious effect of  contracting a virus. We are commited to continuing contact with our regular collaborators and others who may be open to remote creative support.
If you have any concerns or wish to have a conversation regarding your personal situation, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01424 423 555 or by email

We appreciate all your support and we will be in touch with updates on a regular basis.

Best wishes

Kate Adams
Artist Director and CEO
Project Art Works

Image: Sam Smith, Untitled, 2012/13, Monoprint, 29.5 x 42cm

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