Positive Behaviour Support
Wednesday 18th July, 9:30am – 5pm
Project Art Works, Arch 1, Braybrooke Terrace, Hastings
Join Project Art Works for a free day long workshop exploring Positive Behaviour Support (PBS). PBS is a person-centred approach to supporting individuals that present behaviours described as challenging.
“Positive Behavioural Support is a multicomponent framework for developing an understanding of the challenging behaviour displayed by an individual, based on an assessment of the social and physical environment and broader context within which it occurs.”
(Gore et al 2013)
Places are available for families, support workers and carers who support people with complex support needs. The training is free but places are limited, so please RSVP by contacting esther@projectartworks.org
The training day will cover:
- A brief historical context to Positive Behavioural Support
- Definition of Positive Behavioural Support
- Revision of the Principles of Positive Behavioural Support
- Components of a typical Positive Behavioural Support Plan
- The PBS process
- Putting it all together – practical work
Refreshments provided.
About the trainer:
John Shephard
Dip ALD; Cert Ed; Dip TFEMHA
Associate Member UK-SBA
I studied Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) at the Tizard Centre, University of Kent, qualifying in 1992. I then joined, in 1993, the local NHS Trust – now Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust – as co-founder of a specialist challenging behaviour team providing consultancy, training and support to organisations, families and carers both in East Sussex and in other parts of the UK. In 2001, we established a Positive Behavioural Support training course, offered to all local service providers, families and carers, and this training continues to be available. Since 2016, I have been providing PBS training as an independent trainer, whilst continuing to carry out consultancy with Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust on a part-time basis.
What support do you need?
We are looking at further training and workshops during July and August. Tell us what would be useful for you by completing this short survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PSN-Training-Menu-May