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A pair of FREE workshops, hosted by the Challenging Behaviour Foundation, for family carers of children or adults with learning disabilities and/or autism and behaviours that challenge.

13th November & 11th December, 10.30am-2.30pm

At: Project Art Works, Braybrooke Terrace, Hastings, TN34 1TD

Session 1: Understanding Challenging Behaviour

Session 2: Supporting Behaviour Change

About the workshops:

– The workshops will guide you through the basics of Positive Behaviour Support – how to understand your relative’s behaviour and plan individualised support strategies – using a mix of activities and discussions.

– The workshops are suitable for family carers of people with severe learning disabilities or moderate learning disabilities and autism.

– Family members over the age of 16 are welcome.

– They are a two-part set of workshops, so you ideally need to be able to commit to both sessions.

– The workshops are run by 2 co-trainers; one is a professional and one is a family carer.

Booking is essential, please email or call 01424 423555 to book a space. Please note when booking please ensure you can make both workshop dates.

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