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Art Breaks is an innovative project that focuses on children and young people with complex needs, alongside their parents, carers and non-learning disabled peers.

Art Breaks is a series of creative workshops that give children the opportunity to work in collaboration with a team of highly skilled professional artists and experience art as a tool for exploration, communication and self-expression. The children and young people that access Art Breaks are at the centre of the project. Their response to the environment shapes the project and how it develops. This personalised approach creates a sense of identity and ownership not only over the work that they make but also the environment they are in.

Art Breaks workshops run during school holidays are delivered at our studio base in Hastings and regional venues within Sussex. We also run three sets of Saturday workshops each year.

‘I will take away the experience of connecting with parents, feeling less isolated. I was able to enjoy watching the artists working my daughter and her taking the lead.’

Parent, August 2018

Art Breaks is made possible by the generous support of a number of funders including ESCC Short Breaks and BBC Children in Need.

Interested in future Art Breaks events? Please join our mailing list Art Breaks Newsletter.

Please contact Patricia to discuss a visit to the studio in Hastings and spaces. / 01424 423555