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The Peer Support Network at Project Art Works brings together people who have complex support needs, families, carers, support workers, commissioners and providers to share their knowledge and experience. The Network is an initiative developed in direct response to a need articulated by the individuals and families we work with.

Peer Support Network YouTube channel

Network events

Each event explores the lived experience of disability, celebrating best practice and also working constructively with providers to identify and find solutions to gaps in services, information and provision. Network members are encouraged to work together to achieve successful personalised pathways for the people they care for and support. Recent workshops and forums have focused on Continuing Healthcare eligibility and reviews and how to how to recruit, train, manage and retain skilled support workers.

The Peer Support Network features bi-monthly Network Catch-ups where we work together to build on local intelligence and support each other to make informed decisions. We host Network Summits throughout the year where we facilitate discussions with providers, invite specialist speakers in health and social care and host practical workshops.

To receive regular updates, sign up to the Peer Support Network mailing list here.

The Peer Support Network has developed a YouTube channel to share ideas and experiences. View our films here.

If you are interested in the network or attending the events please contact Esther Springett at