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The Tuesday Accelerate Studios is a creative studio programme for adults with complex needs, including those with profound and multiple needs. An experienced artist team support the workshops to facilitate choice and exploration through art.

Within the studio, the artist team create changing installations and sensory environments to engage participants in collaborative and individual creative journeys.

A wide range of professional media and creative processes is available including: painting, drawing, printmaking, collage, sculpture, animation and photography. Participants also have regular opportunities to visit exhibitions and events at galleries, parks and nature reserves within the area.

What we can offer:

  • Highly personalized interaction with a specialist artist team who have expertise in a broad range of art materials, techniques and processes
  • 1:1 support from artists and specialist support workers experienced in Intensive Interaction and Positive Behaviour Support
  • ‘Individual Pathways’ tailored to participants’ choices and preferences enabling them to lead their own development
  • Development of networks and relationships integral to wellbeing
  • Inclusion in regular cultural and community activities
  • Opportunities to show work online and at public exhibitions

The project takes place every Tuesday, between 10.30am and 3.30pm, for 36 weeks of the year. The project is funded through a major award from The National Lottery Community Foundation (formerly the Big Lottery) and places are offered at a highly subsidized cost to participants. These are £50 for a full day place and £25 for a half-day place.

For more information please contact Katie Taylor: / 01424 423555