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Studio B is a programme that responds to the unique challenges of COVID-19. We closed our studios in March but the needs of neurodivergent artists, collaborators, families and caregivers for meaningful creative engagement, support and social connection were perhaps greater than ever.

In response we facilitated ongoing, in-depth collaborations through personalised pathways of creative contact and exchange.

As restrictions change and the national situation evolves in response to COVID-19, we made our studio spaces Covid Secure and now offer a blended creative programme which spans Studio B remote interaction, and studio based creative practice as part of Art Freedom Care in our building.

How Studio B works

Using telephone calls, letters, postcards, video conferencing, email and the exchange of objects (where this can be achieved safely) and in some cases direct support, the artist/makers associated with Project Art Works are making and continuing production. Creative pathways have been designed with each artist/maker and will continue to evolve as we learn more about working in this new way. This is providing much-needed creativity and connection for us all and helps us to be more resilient meet the uncertainties and challenges of this time.

You can find out more about how Studio B evolved from the Propel programme on the pages for each studio day.