Pica Awareness: a workshop for families and professionals
at 10:00-14:30 on Tuesday 26th March 2024 delivered online
Pica is the act of ingesting non-food substances that lack nutritional value (Sturmey & Williams, 2016).
The CBF’s Pica Awareness workshop is specifically designed for professionals/ support staff supporting children, young people or adults who have severe learning disabilities and display Pica behaviour (eating inedible objects)
Research into the causes, assessment and strategies for pica is very limited. The information discussed in the workshop is based on the available research and current clinical practice. The workshop was developed through co- production with family carers with experience of pica.
Main Aims
- Understand possible reasons for pica.
- Understand the risks of pica.
- Recognise the importance of vigilance, reporting and recording pica.
- Identify strategies for supporting the person at risk of pica.
- Feel confident in their understanding of pica and to advocate for the person.
This training is for family carers and support workers supporting adults (18 years +) through a Personal Budget from Adult Social Care or an Education, Health, and Care Plan. There are limited places available for people funded through Personal Health Budgets, or people who support someone aged under 18 please contact georgie@projectartworks.org for availability.
Please complete our booking form to request a place on any of the above training courses or contact georgie@projectartworks.org for further information.
The programme of training is delivered in conjunction with Independent Lives and is funded through Skills for Care.