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The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum
Saturday 27 November 2021

WHERE IS THE ART? is an ongoing conversation. It is about the process of staying with this and other questions to address the challenge they produce rather than rushing to come to a conclusion of any kind.

We intend to document contributions from all those present and encourage free exploration of the space and materials by all contributors, based on their communication preferences.

Discussions may include non-verbal communications and require active and sensitive talking and listening.

Outline of discussions 

How the question Where is the Art? came about as part of DOCUMENTA 15 conversations in the Lumbung.

What is art without objects?

What is the role of institutions (cultural or others) within art, communities and collectives? Do we care?

“Only on condition of a radical widening of definition will it be possible for art and activities related to art to provide evidence that art is now the only evolutionary–revolutionary power?”

Joseph Beuys 1973 – what do you think? Has this happened? Is it still relevant?


Where is the art? will be documented by film, audio and note taking. As with previous Documenta 15 events a Harvest will be shared publicly with key findings.


Hammad Nasar                        Lead Curator, Turner Prize – The Herbert

Gertrude Flentge                     Artistic Direction team, Documenta 15

Frederikke Hansen                   Artistic Direction team, Documenta 15

Sheryll Catto                             Director, ActionSpace

Amanda Sutton                        Director, Venture Arts

Sonia Boué                                Artist, Writer

Sam Grant                                 Artist, Academic

Hamja Ahsan                            Artist, Writer

Kate Adams                               Artist Director, Project Art Works

Tim Corrigan                            Creative Director, Project Art Works

Emma Campbell                      Array Collective

Rabab Ghazoul                         Gentle Radical

Ali Eisa                                     Public Programme Manager, Autograph

Joachim Hamou                      Trampoline House, Denmark

Carlota Mir                              Trampoline House, Austria

Becky Taylor                             Artist

Kyle Wilson (TBC)                  Artist

Roxanne                                    Artist

John                                           Artist

Annis Joslin                              Lead artist, Project Art Works

Maya Shapiro Steen                Artist facilitator, Project Art Works

Martin Swan                            Off Site Programme Manager, Project Art Works

Marley Cole                             Project Art Works – associate sound artist and technician

Documenta 15 Artists             TBC

Project Art Works has coordinated this event as part of our Turner Prize 2021 Exhibition programme and being global partners for Documenta 15 in 2022.

For more information abut this event please contact

Image: Turner Prize Exhibition 2021, Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Garry Jones

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