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Tuesday 29th January, 11am – 1pm 

Personal Independent Payments (PiP) workshop with Hastings Advice and Representation Centre (HARC) at Project Art Works, Arch 1 Event Space

Are you in the process or about to apply for Personal Independence Payments for an individual you care for or support? This session will cover:

  • Personal Independence Payments (PIP) and the change over from Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Help with the application process
  • Support with medical assessments

Hastings Advice and Representation Centre are an independent welfare benefits charity who have been running for the last 30 years providing free advice to the residents of Hastings and Rother on all matters relating to welfare benefits from applying to appeals.

To book your place on this workshop, email or call 01424 423555


Wednesday 13th February, 1.30 – 4.30pm

Peer Support Network Summit – Advocacy and Independent Representation

This Summit will focus on empowerment through independent representation for families and carers supporting children and adults with complex support needs. We will explore places to go for advocacy support to enable positive outcomes for person-centred care.

To book your place, email or call 01424 423555

Further 2019 dates to be announced. 


Related events and opportunities:

HOLD (Home Ownership for people with Long-term Disabilities) 

Homeownership opportunity for a number of one and two bed wheelchair adapted properties in Brighton, East Sussex. These properties would also be suitable for people with learning disabilities, especially if they have some form of existing or developing mobility requirements too.

My Safe Home can offer support to secure HOLD mortgages on these properties. HOLD is a Government approved home ownership model that uses an individual’s benefit entitlement to pay the interest only mortgage on their share and the rent on the part of the property owned by the Housing Association (that either developed it or purchased it on behalf of the person with a disability).

These properties are going to be put on the ‘open market’ in the New Year so any interested parties should get in touch with David Abbey, Managing Director, MySafeHome Limited as soon as possible. Contact David on 02476 402211 or email

To find out more about HOLD and the properties in Brighton, visit

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