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Collated by the Peer Support Network.

It is even more vital that families and carers have an opportunity to stay connected during this uncertain time and period of isolation. To reassure you, we will be continuing with Peer Support Network activities and meet-ups virtually.

Online meet-ups

This is a safe space for families and carers to share their current situation and raise concerns regarding access to support and services during this period. We will also discuss practical solutions for coping day-to-day and supporting positive well-being.

Wednesday 22nd April, 2 – 3pm

As well as catching-up with one another we’ll be taking a closer look at Hospital Passport and Care plan templates to support people with complex support needs during Covid-19.

For a link to join the Zoom meeting, please contact

If you have ideas for how we can support each other, minimise stress and promote positive-wellbeing, please contact You can also join the Peer Support Network Facebook page

Useful information and resources to support you during Covid-19

We are in the process of making a dedicated area for Covid-19 specific guidance and resources on our website and will update you as soon as this is live.

Please find below very useful and welcome information from Erica Pope – our Learning Disability Acute Liaison Nurse for East Sussex NHS Trust. LD Liaison nurses are vital in ensuring people with learning disabilities are heard and have their rights put forward in any hospital experience. She has shared fantastic resources from the Challenging Behaviour Foundation in addition to this.

Erica is happy for families and carers to contact her to discuss any issues surrounding the current crisis and what to expect if the person you care for becomes ill and is admitted to hospital.


Telephone (work mobile): 07876 578366

Important guidance documents:

Please note, in the case of hospital admission:

Contacting the Learning Disabilities Acute Liaison nurses – Conquest Hospital, Hastings & Eastbourne District General Hospital.   – 07876578366 – is advised as they can provide phone support for the admission.

Previous meeting notes:

08.04.2020: Download the last meeting notes here.

01.04.2020: Download the last meeting notes here.

Join the Peer Support Network on Facebook.

Image: Michelle Roberts, Toy Story, 2016, brush pen on canvas, 92 x 122cm

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