Mental Health:
- Samaritans mental health support, freephone 116 123 to talk to someone.
- Health in Mind is a free NHS service for anyone in East Sussex experiencing these kinds of emotional or psychological difficulties.
- Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust provide NHS care across Sussex for people with mental health problems and learning disabilities.
- Mind: Everyday living and advice to support mental health issues
- Getting help in a mental health crisis
- East Sussex Learning Disability Teams
- My Care Passport for people with complex needs and learning disabilities to communicate individual needs to staff in care settings, including hospital
- Support if you are going into hospital: NHS advice on preparing someone with learning disabilities for hospital
- NHS reasonable adjustment flag – an arrangement for medical records to be digitally flagged with personal needs.
- Easy read guide to Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Orders (DNACPR/DNAR/DNR)
- DNACPR support pack and checklist for carers including template letters to challenge DNACPR orders.