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Art Breaks offer an exciting opportunity for children and young people with complex needs and their families (including siblings and carers) to take part in creative activities. Working with professional artists you will have the opportunity to explore:


Watch our Art Breaks film here


Tuesday 25th October &  Wednesday 26th October

Morning 10.30 – 12.30 / Afternoon 1.30 – 3.30.

Venue: Project Art Works, Arch 3, Braybrooke Terrace, Hastings, TN34 1TD.

Cost: £5.00 per workshop (including family groups).

We aim to provide opportunities for everyone. Please get in touch if the cost causes financial concerns.

To request a place, download a booking form here

Please return the completed form via email to or via post. Please return all forms by Thursday 13th October.

Please be aware that due to high demand for places we may not be able to meet all requests. We will contact you with confirmation of workshop spaces by Monday 17th October.

AB Autumn 16 Flyer small

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