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In October 2012, PAW and FACT worked together to deliver a model of awareness raising and connection between FACT and the social care sector in Liverpool. FACT took on the project with a very engaged approach to their collaborative involvement. The project structure reflected the very particular needs and context of FACT and the social care providers, support workers and individuals we met in Liverpool. It involved risk through the delivery of a new approach to staff awareness raising by running workshops with staff in day centre, the Thingwall Resource Centre, run by the Christian Brothers Charity, for people who have severe intellectual disabilities and high support needs.

Over three days in October 2016 Project ArtWorks worked with adults from Thingwall Resource Centre on a short-term collaboration that embraced the themes of the Explorers programme. Two workshop days were based in the Box space at FACT, with the third based in Delamere Forest. The project provided a point of reconnection with Thingwall Resource Centre and FACT, as well PAW’s first opportunity to record in a forest with people who have complex needs.

Using projections and other propositions PAW artists delivered the workshop with the aim to introduce the concepts of the forest setting, as well as building relationships.

Using multiple recording devices (video, audio, drawings, photographs etc) the team spent the day in Delamere Forest responding to and capturing the forest environment: its beauty and phenomenology, providing new insights into the impact of these environments through the responses of neurodiverse collaborators.

Using recordings made at Delamere by and with the TRC participants, PAW artists created an immersive installation within FACT’s box space as a proposition for further creative work that day. The whole team worked together within the installation, expanding on the films and other recordings through drawing, painting, and photography.