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As part of Art Freedom Care, the Support Collective brings together people with lived experience of complex support needs, their circles of support, families, carers, support workers, PAs and representatives from health and social care.

We collectively share the aim of working towards person-centred, accountable and inclusive models of support and care, and protecting the rights of people with support needs.

Through free training, skills development and advocacy, families and caregivers have opportunities to utilise and develop their knowledge.

By joining the Support Collective you will gain:

  • a clearer understanding of the health and social care systems,
  • practical training specific to working with people with support needs,
  • explore bespoke models of care and support and how to realise these in a way that improves their lives.

We host monthly Support Collective online meet-ups, provide online resources and a programme of training for families, carers and support workers.

For more information contact Sarah

Support Collective YouTube channel

Image: Support Collective, Common Clay, 2022