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ART BREAKS is an innovative project that focuses on children and young people with complex needs alongside their parents, carers and non-learning disabled peers.

This summer join us at:

6, 7, 8 August – Project Art Works, Hastings

13, 14, 15 August – St Mary’s School & College

ART BREAKS is a series of creative workshops that give children the opportunity to work in collaboration with a team of highly skilled professional artists and experience art as a process of exploration, communication and self-expression. The children and young people that access Art Breaks are at the centre of the project. Their responses to the environment shape the workshops and how they develop. This personalised approach creates a sense of identity and ownership not only over the work that they make but also the environment they are in.

WEEK 1:  Project Art Works, Hastings 

Tuesday 6th August, Wednesday 7th August & Thursday 8th August

WEEK 2:  St Mary’s School & College, Bexhill

Tuesday 13th August, Wednesday 14th August & Thursday 15th August

Sessions are 10.00 – 12.00 and 13.30 – 15.30.

Cost: £5.00 per workshop (including family groups)

Bookings closed on 12th July. If you have any queries please call Patricia on 01424 423555 or email

About Project Art Works

Project Art Works is the UK’s leading visual artist-led organisation working with people who have complex needs and the people, systems and services that support them.

For more information on Art Breaks visit


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