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Heidi Nice

Heidi Nice

Heidi Nice

Back to The Collective

Heidi’s practice is centered around colour, texture and laughter. Heidi works closely with an artist support to make choices about materials and process. The process of choice and connection with others shapes Heidi’s work. She works on single pieces over a series of weeks, as painted canvases build into textural sculptures. The final outcome is often full of colour and light, but the process of making is always punctuated with laughter and joy.

Heidi is one of 29 Artists who are featured in a new film from Project Art Works, I’ve Got Ideas. Don’t You Worry.


Coastal Currents, Project Art Works, September 2023

Residential, Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, 23 September 2023 – 25 February 2024

Residential, Copenhagen Contemporary, 27 April – 31 December 2024

Expressionists, Tate Modern, April – October 2024, Blue Rider residency and exhibition

Heidi Nice is featured at the following exhibitions