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India O’Sullivan

India O'Sullivan sit's surround by paint splattered fabric. India holds paper covered in red paint. India looks at the camera and looks to be smiling.

India O’Sullivan

Back to The Collective

India O’Sullivan engages in the studio in different ways, all underpinned by a sensory approach to making. Whether working with paint, sound or in sculpture – experimenting with clay, foam, wool and tape – exploration of materials is a key component of her work. The chosen materials become a shared language with the artists that support her process, many she has worked with over several years.

India is absorbed by the process of making and unmaking, concerning herself more with the transition between forms than with any sense of a “final” output. Her practice is often anchored in specific shared environments in which fresh materials and works in progress are selected, explored and assembled into something new. The resulting body of work includes intensely textural canvases and dynamic sculptural pieces that are often bold, multi-layered and complex.

Buy work by India O’Sullivan here at Untitled Gallery.

Exhibitions & Residencies

Right Now, Project Art Works, 2018

Coastal Currents, Project Art Works studio, Hastings, 2022

Residential, Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, 23 September 2023 – 25 February 2024

Residential, Copenhagen Contemporary, 27 April – 31 December 2024

Expressionists, Tate Modern, April – October 2024, Blue Rider residency and exhibition

India O’Sullivan is featured at the following exhibitions