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Lucy, Jack, Gabby

Phoenix Art Space, Brighton
4 March – 23 April 2023

An exhibition of the practice and work of three young neurodivergent artists co-presented by Phoenix Art Space and Project Art Works.

All members of the studio at Project Art Works in Hastings, the three artists’ work is united by careful and often meticulous practices of collecting, researching and reimagining. Mining rich seams ranging from popular culture to natural history, these artists reveal through their practices something about the unique way in which each of them – and each of us – sees the world. Defying categorisation and disciplinary boundaries, each artist pursues a diverse practice that encompasses varied modes of making.

Download a copy of the exhibition guide here.

Download a list of works here.

Read a review of the exhibition by Edwina Slinn, Rocket Artists, here.

Images: Photography by Hugh Fox.

Jack Goldsmith’s practice includes painting, printmaking and multimedia 3D work; Jack has a strong interest in colour, and works with paint and other materials to express and validate his inner and lived experience. Jack has recently been awarded a Developing Your Creative Practice grant from Arts Council England, which will enable him to further develop his skills in ceramics and to build collaborations with other artists and studios.

Working extensively with animated films as reference material, Lucy Jenion’s practice is centred on drawing, painting and photography. Lucy’s dense journals offer a record of her deep research process, which often takes a particular film, character or cultural moment as its starting point. Lucy works with imagination and skill to render the resulting scenes in vivid colours and minute detail, often situating herself as a character within the piece.

Gabby R is a prolific maker whose work demonstrates mastery of less conventional materials including hot glue, pipe cleaners and found objects. Through the assemblage of these basic components, Gabby creates vividly imagined characters that mimic or embellish creatures found in the natural world. Alongside her three-dimensional work, Gabby uses collage, drawing and painting to document the creatures she creates and their unique features and qualities.

This exhibition will present a range of work by each of these three emerging artists on their own terms, reflecting their relationships with their practices, the studio and each other.

Project Art Works is a supported studio based in Hastings.

For the press release please visit For press enquiries please contact

Lucy Jack Gabby Programme

Artists in residence dates

Thursday 16 March: Jack and Lucy
Friday 17 March: Gabby
Thursday 30 March: Jack and Lucy
Friday 31 March: Gabby
Thursday 13 April: Jack and Lucy
Friday 14 April: Gabby

Lucy, Jack, Gabby sharing event

Lucy, Jack and Gabby invite you to a sharing event at Phoenix Art Space to talk about their practice in the studio and meet some of the Project Art Works team. We will be discussing collaborative studios and curating exhibitions in an accessible way.

Join us from 2pm – 4pm, Saturday 15th April.

If you have specific access requirements please contact a member of the Project Art Works team at

Access information to the building can be found at

Images: Lucy Jenion, Jack Goldsmith, Gabby R, 2022, Project Art Works

Arts Council Lottery logo

From March 4, 2023
to April 23, 2023

Location: 10–14 Waterloo Place, Brighton, BN2 9NB

Makers featured at Lucy, Jack, Gabby