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Amy Fenton

Amy Fenton 2022

Amy Fenton

Back to The Collective

Amy Fenton intuitively explores pattern and shape through her painting and drawing.

She will often spend several hours on each painting; each and every colour, brush stroke and mark is meticulously considered before placement. She works mostly with acrylic, ink and charcoal, although recently has begun to apply her patternmaking to clay and glaze to create beautiful sculptural objects. She enjoys the social aspect of the Project Art Works studio, working alongside and collaboratively with other artists.

Buy work by Amy Fenton here at Untitled Gallery.

Exhibitions & Residencies

Coastal Currents, Project Art Works studio, Hastings, 2022

Brewers Towner International, Towner Eastbourne, October 2022 – January 2023

Residential, Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, 23 September 2023 – 25 February 2024

Residential, Copenhagen Contemporary, 27 April – 31 December 2024

Expressionists, Tate Modern, April – October 2024, Blue Rider residency and exhibition