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George Smith

George Smith 2022

George Smith

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George Smith has developed a highly focussed but relaxed way of using paint. Initially George was wholly absorbed by tactile processes and created large scale works using his hands as his main tools. More recently George works on mid scale canvases using a brush to apply paint once in while throughout the day. He will often sit next to a canvas for a long time before making a mark. But when this happens it appears highly spontaneous and unpressured by an over consideration of the result.

Buy work by George here at Untitled Gallery.

Exhibitions & Residencies

No Church in the Wild, Art in Romney Marsh2015

In the Realm of Others,De La Warr Pavilion, 2015

Premier Inn Collection, Premier Inn Hastings, 2018 – 2020

Coastal Currents, Project Art Works, 2018

Illuminating the Wilderness, screened at MK Gallery, Tate Liverpool and Museum of Modern Art in Sydney , 2019

Putting ourselves in the Picture, Fabrica Gallery, Brighton, 2019

Coastal Currents, Project Art Works, 2019

Ignition, Hastings Contemporary, March – May 2021

Coastal Currents, Project Art Works studio, Hastings, 2022

Residential, Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, 23 September 2023 – 25 February 2024

Residential, Copenhagen Contemporary, 27 April – 31 December 2024

Expressionists, Tate Modern, April – October 2024, Blue Rider residency and exhibition