The Parachute Club is a project for young people in need of positive and creative solutions to behaviour support. The project offers a wide range of high quality materials and equipment, which the participants are encouraged to use in exciting and expansive ways. Set in the Project Art Works studio across two days, the project is facilitated by two experienced artists and a trained support worker. The artists and support worker have training in techniques such as Positive Behaviour Support, Person Centred Active Support and Total Communication.
By creating small peer working groups, the Parachute Club aims to reduce the social isolation experienced by its target group as well as highlight the positive impact that creative distraction can have in reducing challenging behaviour.
Specialist consultation for support workers and families around the wider issues that impact on the lives of the participants, such as planning personal provisions and negotiating with social services, is available as part of the project. The work and achievements of the participants will be disseminated through exhibition.
The project takes place at the Project Art Works studio every week, with one group on Thursdays and a second on Fridays. Parachute Club is funded through the Three Guineas Trust, Art Works Bridge and Day Trippers Foundation and places are offered at a highly subsidised cost to participants.
Please contact Katie Taylor to discuss a visit to the studio in Hastings and costings. / 01424 423555